This page provides access to the files for the paper "Efficient Inference-aware RDB2RDF Query Rewriting". These are the links:
Explanation of the contents
FAO test cases
The contents of the zip file are a set of test cases, each one separated in a folder. The test cases were used for populating the fisheries ontologies. These ontologies were developed for use within the Fish Stock Depletion Assessment System (FSDAS). All ontologies are publicly available from the FAO website. For each test case the following contents can be found:
Working modes comparison
The contents of the zip file are grouped by the mappings file used to test the algorithm, that is the meaning of the four folders, atlas, bcn and egm for the mappings files Atlas, BCN200 and EGM that map with Hydrontology, the folder phenom for Phenomenontology and the only mappings file considered for the evaluation with this ontology in the paper. In each one of these folders the contents are equivalent:
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