Conceptual Mapping - CSV Description

Here you can find the list of the requirements identified for the Conceptual Mapping extension for describing CSV files and its main features.

Identifier Fact or Competency Question Correspondence to ontology construct Provenance
cm-csv-r1 A frame can describe the headers of a csv data source cm:CSVSourceFrame rdfs:subClassOf cm:SourceFrame ;
    csvw:header xsd:boolean .
Comparison framework analysis
cm-csv-r2 A frame can describe the delimiter of a csv data source cm:CSVSourceFrame rdfs:subClassOf cm:SourceFrame ;
    csvw:delimiter xsd:boolean .
Comparison framework analysis
cm-csv-r3 A frame can describe the separator of a csv data source cm:CSVSourceFrame rdfs:subClassOf cm:SourceFrame ;
    csvw:separator xsd:boolean .
Comparison framework analysis
cm-csv-r4 A frame can describe the quote character of a csv data source cm:CSVSourceFrame rdfs:subClassOf cm:SourceFrame ;
    csvw:quoteChar xsd:boolean .
Comparison framework analysis