
Documentation - ya2ro

Fields supported


Documentation for all supported fields for type paper.

type:This field is required and is used to indicate the type of the work.

type: "paper"

doi_paper:All the relevant information of the paper will be retrieved. Such as:

doi_paper: https://doi.org/xxxxxxxxx

title:Title of the paper.

title: "Paper - Template"

summary:A brief summary of the paper, also known as an abstract.

summary: "This is a summary of the paper."

datasets: All the datasets used and created during the paper. This tool supports to define each dataset manually specifying all fields or to use a DOI and ya2ro will try to automatically fetch the data.

    doi: www.doiDB1.com
    link: www.D1.com 
    name: "Dataset 1"
    description: "Description dataset 1"
    license: "MIT-License"
    author: "Author name"
    path: templates/datasets
    name: "Dataset name"
    author: "Author name"
    description: "Description of a local dataset"
- https://doi.org/xx.xxxx/xxxxxxxxxx # Or just a link and ya2ro will guess the type

software: All the relevant software used and created for the paper. If a GitHub Repo is provided ya2ro will use SOMEF to automatically fetch relevant data.

    link: https://github.com/KnowledgeCaptureAndDiscovery/somef/
    link: http://software_1.com 
    name: "Software 1"
    description: "Description software 1"
    license: "MIT-License"
  - https://sofware.web.com # Or just a link and ya2ro will guess the type

bibliography:In this field is where the bibliography can be added. Also a doi can be used and the bibliography entry will be fetch automatically.

  - "Bibliography entry 1"
  - "Bibliography entry 2"
  - "Bibliography entry 3"
  - https://doi.org/XXXXXXXXX

authors:In this field is where credit to the creators, collaborators, authors, etc is given. If an ORCID is provided, ya2ro will fetch relevant data automatically. If a photo is not provided, a default one will be used.

      orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0454-7145
      role: "Coordinator"
      name: "Author"
      position: "Author's position"
      description: "Author's description"
      web: https://author-web.com/
      photo: "author_photo.jpg"


Documentation for all supported fields for type project.

type:This field is required and is used to indicate the type of the work.

type: "project"

title:Title of the project.

title: "Project - Template"

goal:In this field you should inlcude the goal for the project.

goal: "Here is where a description of what is this project trying to achieve."

social_motivation:In this field you should include why this project will help in a social way.

social_motivation: "This is the social motivation behind this project."

sketch:Path to an image where a visual description/workflow is shown.

sketch: "images/sketch_ya2ro.jpg"

areas:All the areas involucrated inside this project.

  - "Area 1: Some description."
  - "Area 2: Some description."

activities:All the individual subtasks of the project.

  - "Subtask 1: Some description."
  - "Subtask 2: Some description."

demo:Link or links to demos of the project.

    link: http://demo.com
    description: "This is a description for a demo."
    name: "Demo name"
    link: http://demo.com
    description: "This is a description for a demo with name."

datasets: All the datasets used and created during the paper. This tool supports to define each dataset manually specifying all fields or to use a DOI and ya2ro will try to automatically fetch the data.

    doi: www.doiDB1.com
    link: www.D1.com 
    name: "Dataset 1"
    description: "Description dataset 1"
    license: "MIT-License"
    author: "Author name"
    path: templates/datasets
    name: "Dataset name"
    author: "Author name"
    description: "Description of a local dataset"
  - https://doi.org/xx.xxxx/xxxxxxxxxx # Or just a link and ya2ro will guess the type

software: All the relevant software used and created for the paper. If a GitHub Repo is provided, ya2ro will use SOMEF to automatically fetch relevant data.

    link: https://github.com/KnowledgeCaptureAndDiscovery/somef/
    link: http://software_1.com 
    name: "Software 1"
    description: "Description software 1"
    license: "MIT-License"
  - https://sofware.web.com # Or just a link and ya2ro will guess the type

bibliography:In this field is where the bibliography can be added. Also a doi can be used and the bibliography entry will be fetch automatically.

  - "Bibliography entry 1"
  - "Bibliography entry 2"
  - "Bibliography entry 3"
  - https://doi.org/XXXXXXXXX

participants:In this field is where credit to the creators, collaborators, authors, etc is given. If an ORCID is provided ya2ro will fetch relevant data automatically. If a photo is not provided, a default one will be used.

      orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0454-7145
      role: "Coordinator"
      name: "Author"
      position: "Author's position"
      description: "Author's description"
      web: https://author-web.com/
      photo: "author_photo.jpg"

contact:In this field you can add some contact information.

  email: contact@projectmail.com
  phone: +34 999 999 999