Master's Program
This world-class master’s program will prepare the future digital transformation leaders for AI in the public sector. You will learn how to plan, design and use Artificial Intelligence in the delivery of public services, so as to improve the provision, effectiveness and value of these public services as well as the public sector’s capacity by means of adequate management, knowledge and development of AI-related projects and services.
We expect students that belong to any of the two following groups of professionals:
- Professionals from any discipline (not only Computer Science) aiming to become functional specialists for the implementation of AI-based services in public institutions.
- Staff working in public institutions (civil servants, contractors), aiming to complete their education with practical knowledge on how to implement, manage and govern AI-based services.
The overall expected outcome culminates in the education of functional specialists in the application of AI to public services. A functional specialist in AI and public services will not only understand the foundations and state of the art of AI technologies, but also the full cycle for the development and delivery of public services that make use of AI technologies, including design, development, delivery and evaluation.
The core objectives of this program are providing education on: (i) the management of AI-based public services, (ii) the usage of AI in public administration’s operations, and (iii) the governance of AI in the public sector and for the delivery of public services to society.
Understand the potential of data
Know and understand the potential of data to create public services, and be able to critically assess social and ethical impacts:
- Understand datasets (quality, appropriateness, value, cost, etc.)
- Learn how to operate with data and to manipulate data to extract insights for design
Understand what AI can do
Understand what AI can currently do, what the different applicative domains are with a specific focus on governance with AI, and what features it can have:
- Understand the state-of-the-art of AI and the available market solutions with a level deep enough to commission implementation.
Propose practical AI projects
Analyse, design, plan, implement and evaluate practical AI projects for an up-to-date range of public services:
- Develop strategic management abilities for AI-based projects
- Learn how to analyse and propose AI-driven concepts for governance and public services
Be able to commission/buy AI-based systems
Be able to commission/buy AI-based systems to companies and experts, and evaluate and analyse their performance and quality:
- Learn how to manage innovative procurement and public-private partnership in public services design and delivery.
- Learn how to evaluate the quality of the commissioned implementations.
Make informed judgements on AI
Get the ability to think critically and analyse different use cases for AI delivery through public services in society:
- Ability to create public value through innovative design and implement AI-based projects
Acquire project groupwork and communication skills
Working autonomously and in groups, students will develop the ability to present and discuss their ideas and the attitude to negotiate in teamwork
Our core team belongs to four institutions with a long outstanding record in the research, development and delivery of AI technologies and services, as well as public services across EU-based institutions at the local, regional, national and international levels. We belong to four European universities: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) in Spain, Politecnico di Milano (PoliMi) in Italy, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) in Germany, and Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) in Estonia.
Lectures will not only be taught by members of these institutions, but also by other professionals with a large experience in the deploynment of public services in institutions worldwide

Claudio Feijoo (UPM)
AI4Gov Project Coordinator
Gianluca Misuraca (UPM)
Executive Director
Marzia Mortati (PoliMi)

Oscar Corcho (UPM)
Academic Director at UPM
Francesca Rizzo (PoliMi)
Academic Director at PoliMi
Alessandro Deserti (PoliMi)

Ingrid Pappel (TALTECH)
Academic Director at TALTECH
Innar Liiv (TALTECH)
Management Board
Sebastian Hemmer (FAU)
Management Board
Pirjo-Andra Põõsaste (TALTECH)
Project Manager
Ilaria Mariani (PoliMi)

Martina Sciannamè (PoliMi)
AI4Gov Master Tutor
María Luque (UPM)
Project Manager
Camilla Roveri (UPM)
Stefanie Kugler (FAU)
Project Manager
Stefanie Güllich (FAU)
Frequently Asked Questions
In this section we provide answers for the most frequent questions that our prospective students have asked.
What is the expected duration of the course
The next edition of the Master will run from mid of September 2023 to the end of June 2024.
How many credits (ECTS) does the Master correspond to
The Master corresponds to a total amount of 60 ECTS, distributed across all the courses, as described in the Curriculum section.
What are the fees for the following course?
The total tuition fees for the Master in future courses will be approximately 19.000 €. For the 2023-2024 edition, tuition fees will be 9.600 euros, given the fact that part of the creation of materials and support for some lecturers are being funded by the CEF-Telecom programme. A small additional charge will be required for the administrative costs of diploma generation once the course is completed (approximately 200 euros). The fee can be paid in up to three instalments. Furthermore, we will offer grants of up to 1.920 euros (20% of the total cost) to approximately 10 students, so that part of their tuition fees are covered.
Is there any discount for early-bird registrations?
If you register before our early-bird registration deadline (February 28th, 2023) and you are accepted into the Master by the academic commission, you will be entitled to a 20% discount in the total fee. In order to secure your position, you will be required to provide an advance non-reimbursable payment of a 20% of the total fee (1920 euros) during March 2023
Are there any other costs associated to participating in the course?
We will ask students to participate in three physical events in European cities (including at least Madrid and Milan), of a weekend each. They will be scheduled early during the course (October 2023), early in 2024 and by the end of the Master. You will only be expected to pay for your travel costs. Your accommodation, food costs, etc., will be fully covered by the master.
Will I get an official title from any of the universities involved in the Master?
Upon the successful completion of all the activities in the Master you will receive a transcript of your grades in all courses from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and a joint diploma from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Politecnico di Milano.
What is exactly the title awarded to who finishes the master?
You will be awarded a joint title from UPM and PoliMi that corresponds to a Master of 60 ECTS. More particularly, in the Spanish system this corresponds to a "Máster (título propio) por la UPM" and in the Italian system it would correspond to a "master di primo livello da PoliMi".
How many students do you foresee for the next edition of the Master?
Up to 40 students will be selected.
Will there be any exam?
The educational methodology of the Master is centered around project-based learning. Therefore, there will be some tests during the first modules and continuous checkpoints by mentors during the courses, including oral presentations, and especially during the activities associated to the different projects.
Can I participate in the Master part-time?
We assume that most of the students will be working while they take part in the Master, and hence most interactive activities will be done on Tuesday and Friday evenings. That said, we expect students to be able to finish the Master during this academic course, so for this first edition we will only accept those students that are confident in finishing during this academic course. In future editions we may consider part-time options.
When should I register and which documentation will you ask for?
There will be a two-stage application process. Firstly, you need to send us a simple application form (see Apply section) with your CV and a letter describing your interest in the Master's course by email ( For the registration a Bachelor's degree on any discipline (not necessarily STEM) is required. The sooner you send it to us, the sooner we will let you know our decision. If you are accepted, you will be redirected to the official UPM registration system, where you will have to fill in your details, you will be asked for proof of your previous qualifications and you will be provided with your payment details.
Fees for course 2023-2024: 9600 euros (20% discount for early-bird pre-registrations)
Discounts available for public sector employees and participants coming from low and lower-middle income countries
Applications for the Master will follow these steps.
- First, you will have to provide some basic information from you, including:
- A 1-page document describing your interest in the master.
- A short CV (maximum 2 pages)
- The academic commission of the master will review the applications received in batches letting you know whether your application is accepted, discarded or kept in the reserve list.
- If accepted by the academic commission, then you will have to register through the official registration system setup by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, whose link will be provided to you together with the acceptance letter. Additional validity checks will be done by the University (on your bachelor degrees) to ensure that you can receive the diploma after the course.
Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial. ETSI Informáticos, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Campus de Montegancedo sn, Boadilla del Monte, Spain
Phone (and WhatsApp):
+34 656317730